第四十二劇季 秋季呈獻《白蛇傳》


演出日期:2011年10/ 8, 9, 15 and 16.



Madame White Snake

Dates: October 8 & 9, 15 & 16, 2011
Title: Madame White Snake
Playwright & Director: Jackie Huang

Adapted from the classic Chinese story of “Legend of the White Snake” 《白蛇傳》from the Ming Dynasty, this new two-act musical is created by Jackie Huang set in the Southern Song Dynasty of China. The story tells of a young scholar Xu Xian (許仙), who falls in love with a beautiful woman Bai Suzhen (白素貞), unaware that she is a white snake who has taken on human form. Although the two are genuinely in love with one another, such a relationship is forbidden by the laws of Heaven, so a monk Fa Hai (法海) intervenes in order to save the scholar’s soul and destroy the demon. Another important character is a green snake Xiao Qing (小青), who has also been turned into a woman and serves as the white snake-woman’s maid and confidante.

Oct 16th,2011 Sunday show are sold out!!

Our Trip to “War Horse”

A group of 25 members who are avid theatergoers went to see the TONY award winning play, WAR HORSE on June 25th, 2011 at Lincoln Center’s Vivian Beaumont Theater. This was such an exciting outing and to experience a new venue of theater production. The show provided several opportunities to experience new theater spacing, different interpretations and how creative other theater companies are. Have you seen the show? Thoughts? Opinions? Was it artistry or puppetry? We would like your feedback.

Acting & Movement Workshop

*06/11 形體動作訓練基本班 base on Chinese dancing (2nd class),
*06/18 形體動作訓練基本班 base on Chinese dancing (3rd class),
*07/09 形體動作訓練基本班 base on Chinese dancing (4th class),
+07/16 戲劇表演技巧初階 (5th class),
+07/23 戲劇表演技巧初階 (6th class),
+07/30 戲曲動作訓練 (7th class) (or TBA).
*The 4 classes of 形體動作訓練基本班 will be instructed by professional dancer, Charley Chan hosted at the dancing studio on 26th street, between 6th and 7th Ave Manhattan. The time will be from 11 AM to 1PM (2 hours)…
+The classes of 戲劇表演技巧初階 will be instructed by Kit Seng Chao, hosted at 86 Chinatown Heath Castle, from 11 AM to 2PM (3 hours)…“We will have workshops continue to free your bodies, muscle, and joints, but also to free your brains and minds. The sensation and inspiration are also the main sources for actors to create their characters. We are going to concentrate in this field to open up you guys’ senses to inspire your bodies…”
+The class of 戲曲動作訓練 will be instructed by Joyce Moy, and place and time will be TBA.
Fee:  $60 for total 7 classes.
Register please contact Kit Seng Cho (kitsengchao@yahoo.com) directly before 5/16 .