我們的秘密 • Our Secrets

四海劇社第五十二劇季 52nd Season Presentation
短片系列 Short Film Series

《我們的秘密》Our Secrets

導演 Director: 李強 Patrick Lee
編劇 Screenwriter: 黃澤基 Jackie Huang

演出日期 • Showtime: (Sun) 12/26/2021 3pm
Performed in Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles

Four Seas Players ??????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ????

[New York/NY] – FOUR SEAS PLAYERS announced today a grant award from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) to support the recovery of the nonprofit arts and culture sector. Following New York State’s $105 million investment in the arts for FY2022, NYSCA has awarded more than $80 million since June 2021.

???????? ????? ?????? ?????: “The arts have long been a critical sector in our economy, and as we continue to rebuild a stronger New York, it’s essential we do all we can help this industry thrive once again,” ???????? ?????? ????. “These awardees represent the best of what New York’s vibrant communities have to offer and with this funding in hand, they will be able to not only continue their creative and inspiring work, but help spur revitalization in their own backyard as well.”

???? ????? ?????: “NYSCA applauds Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature for their responsive investment of $105 million for the nonprofit arts and culture sector. 2022 will continue to bring change and FOUR SEAS PLAYERS will play a vital role in the renewal of our state’s economy and creative ecosystem,” ???? ???? ?????, ????????? ????????, ?????. “On behalf of the entire NYSCA Team, we wish to extend our sincere congratulations on your award.”

????????? ???????? ?????: “Council congratulates FOUR SEAS PLAYERS on their grant award! New York State arts and culture organizations inspire New Yorkers and cultivate community in every region,” ???? ????????? ????????, ?????, ?????. “Arts and culture are crucial to our state’s health, and Council recognizes the dynamic impact of NYSCA grantees on the well-being of all New Yorkers.” ???

???? ???? ??????? was founded as a community based creative outlet in New York City’s Chinatown. In its 52nd year, The Players is the only Cantonese-speaking theater group in the city, and one of the few in the country, whose mission is to produce new stage work in Chinese and English and to introduce new generations to the cultural classics from the past. The Players’ collaborative, resourceful style has become its signature trademarks. The productions have received local accolades, have a loyal audience and encourage a sense of community. Just as the outreach is vital, The Players provide a nurturing, constructive environment for artists, actors and designers to hone their craft, and for some an opportunity to dabble in the arts.

《我們的秘密》Our Secrets

由於疫情持續,原定於今年上演的全新舞台劇《我們的秘密》取消演出。編劇及導演黃澤基將舞台劇濃縮改寫成微電影劇本,由艾美獎多次得主李強擔任電影導演,並邀請資深攝影師Clarke Smith負責攝影,劇團成員林瑞華,韓綽桐,程慧珊,李惠雯攜手演出。


Due to the ongoing pandemic, the new play “Our Secrets” (originally scheduled to be staged this year) has been cancelled. The playwright and director Jackie Huang condensed the stage play into a screenplay, with multiple Emmy Award winner Patrick Lee serving as the film director, and also invited seasoned cinematographer Clarke Smith to take charge of cinematography. The cast members include Francois Lam, Amanda Hon, Tammy Ching, and Vivian Li.

Four Seas Players’ first short film “Our Secrets” will be released online soon!

《椅子》星島日報 Sing Tao Daily

星島日報 2021-11-01

四海劇社疫情後首次恢復演出 荒誕劇「椅子」圓滿成功

過去一年多,疫症肆虐, 舞台活動完全停頓,連紐約市引以為傲的百老匯也黯然無光,到 近月才得以慢慢恢復過來。

四海劇社疫情後首次恢復演出,10月24日至31日於華埠亨利街藝術中心地下劇院上演共四場「椅子」,今次以廣東話演繹法國荒誕劇名家尤涅斯庫作品「椅子」,劇情講述一對住在孤島上的年邁夫婦邀請了各方人士到家中聆聽老先生演講,說一個他對生命意義體會的訊息,客人擠滿了整座房子,夫婦倆慌忙地東拉西扯, 張羅多張椅子給客人,甚至連皇帝也到場。但老先生卻説他不會親自演講,而是請了演説家代他發言。整齣戲都見到老夫婦奔跑來回搬動椅子,填滿了整個舞台,他們又忙於招呼一個又一個的客人,跟客們分享他們的故事,故事卻又互相矛盾,難辨真偽。演説家最後出現了,但他並未有清晰表達那個訊息。觀眾看到的演員卻只有夫婦二人和最後出現的演說家,舞台上並沒有其他人,只有一張張空的椅子。

顧名思義, 荒誕劇這劇種無疑是比較另類的,並不跟從一般戲劇的發展和邏輯。這齣劇就是在虛擬與現實之間遊走,夫婦二人的賓客並不是實質存在,是因為孤獨的他們在幻想著家中高朋滿座?有趣的是觀眾坐在舞台上一排排坐椅的後面倒又好像成了他們的賓客,期待著一場偉大的演講。一直期待的演説家到來卻未有把訊息表達又是多麼的諷刺!究竟老先生要表達甚麼訊息?歸根究底,所謂人生意義又是一場演講可以涵蓋嗎?在老先生和老太太故事裡,我們既看到愛和包容,也看到毀滅、空虛、隔離和遺憾,同時也道出了生命的無常與個人抉擇之間的矛盾和關係。或許就如該劇導演馮麗儀所説,此劇是提供了「一個思考和提問的空間。」

此劇也體現了他們團隊台前幕後的努力:簡約的佈景設計採取了Mondrian 風格色彩的來展現不同的空間,又巧妙地把椅子藏著;兩位主角在台上一個多小時既要跑來跑去搬動椅子,要背誦冗長又複雜的對白,也要盡力和虛擬人物做對手戲;對白看似自說自話卻又奇妙地互相連結,飾演老太太的盧詠珊和飾演老先生的司馬森都很落力和稱職, 飾演演説家的彭德祥也恰於其份地顯現了演説家的氣派,讓觀眾期待。



四海劇社疫情後首次恢復演出 荒誕劇「椅子」圓滿成功

椅子 • The Chairs

52nd Season Presentation

Experimental Theatre Series

《椅子》The Chairs

編劇 Playwright: 尤涅斯庫 Eugene Ionesco
導演 Director: 馮麗儀 Lai Yee Fung

一對年屆九十多歲的夫婦,在他們處於孤島上的家中邀請了各式人等前來聆聽一個重要演說,準備迎接客人到來。老先生説那個訊息可以拯救人類,是他深切體會到生命意義的成果。很多客人陸續到來坐滿了所有椅子,擠滿了整間房子。老先生宣佈一位專業演說家也會到来。經過一番等待,演說家最後出現了……究竟那會是一個怎麽樣的訊息? 《椅子》是一齣悲鬧劇, 幽默地將現實與幻想結合,老夫婦的處境令人分不出真偽,但人生很多境況又何嘗不是?
An elderly couple at their home on a deserted island. They are preparing to welcome their guests who have come to listen to a speech given by an esteemed speaker. The Old Man resolves to convey his wisdom to a lifetime of friends and believes can save mankind with this information. With anticipation building for the exciting news, the house gets crowded and are overflowing with eagers listeners. Some of the guests even have to stand just to get a place to hear the impending omnipotent news. The old man also announces that an orator will be joining, who arrives after much anticipation. The Chairs humorously blurs the line between fantasy and hallucination, as the couple’s diversion becomes their reality.

Performed in Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles

演出日期 • Showtimes:
(Sun) 10/24/2021 3pm
(Sat) 10/30/2021 2pm
(Sat) 10/30/2021 7pm
(Sun) 10/31/2021 3pm

演出地點 • Location:
亨利街藝術中心 – 地下劇院
Abrons Arts Center – Underground Theater
Henry Street Settlement, 466 Grand Street, NY 10002

票價 • Admission:
$10 – 預購 • Advanced Purchase
$8 – 長者及學生 • Senior Citizens and Students (with I.D.)

電話查訊 • Information:
(646) 580-8388

禧春酒店 • Spring Fever Hotel

Four Seas Players 50th Anniversary Presents

《禧春酒店》Spring Fever Hotel
編劇  Playwright:Georges Feydeau, Maurice Desvallieres
改編  Adaptor:      陳鈞潤 Rupert Chan
導演  Director:     黃澤基 Jackie Huang

粵語演出 附中英文字幕
Performed in Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles

演出日期 • Showtimes
10/24/2020 (Sat)  7:00pm
10/25/2020 (Sun) 2:00pm

演出地點 • Location
Abrons Arts Center Playhouse
Henry Street Settlement, 466 Grand Street, NY 10002

票價 • Ticket Price
$38 – 前座 • Front Rows   (預購 Early Bird before 9/15/2020:$30)
$28 – 後座 • Back Rows    (預購 Early Bird before 9/15/2020:$20)
$20 – 長者 • Seniors (With ID)
$20 – 學生 • Students (With ID)

售票地點 • Ticket Outlet
CT Health Castle
86 Bowery, New York, NY 10013

電話查訊 • Information
(646) 580-8388