舞台上總有燦爛的陽光 • There Is Always Sunshine On The Stage

Four Seas Players 54th Season Presentation

There Is Always Sunshine On The Stage


The Sunshine Theater Group is on a quest for the perfect play to commemorate their 50th anniversary — possibly their final performance due to financial challenges. Life’s diversity brings forth a variety of narratives from different individuals, but yet their unique tales ultimately converge toward a collective story – “The People’s” story. Often overlooked even within the AAPI community, these stories need to continue living. This play aims to celebrate and preserve the plurality of humanity. Centered on authenticity and cultural stewardship, the play embodies a sense of hopefulness. By re-telling these stories genuinely, their narratives can be reclaimed from time and history’s erasure, ensuring the people are heard and respected.

編劇/導演 Playwright/Director:
李強 Patrick Lee

演出日期 • Showtimes:

  • (Sat) 12/9/2023 3pm
  • (Sat) 12/9/2023 7pm
  • (Sun) 12/10/2023 3pm
  • (Fri) 12/15/2023 8pm
  • (Sat) 12/16/2023 3pm
  • (Sat) 12/16/2023 7pm
  • (Sun) 12/17/2023 3pm
  • 演出地點 • Location:
    Abrons Arts Center – Underground Theater
    Henry Street Settlement, 466 Grand Street, NY 10002

    票價 • Ticket Prices:
    $25 – 現場 • At The Door
    $20 – 預購 • Advanced Purchase
    $12 – 長者 • Seniors (with I.D.)

    預購門票 • Advance Tickets

    節目查訊 • Information: (718) 831-1998

    Performance in Chinese & English with Subtitles